Emily's Expert CurlTalk with Brittany for Heatless Curls on Short Hair

Posted by Emily Kenison on

Emily, our curling guru and inventor, takes on the challenge of coaching Brittany on how to achieve those perfect curls with her shoulder-length locks. Armed with the RobeCurls Curling Headband, Emily shows Brittany the ropes while ensuring there's never a dull moment in their consultation.

Of course, Emily wouldn't be a true curling expert without sharing some valuable tips and tricks. She spills the tea on how to ensure that the RobeCurls headband stays in place, guaranteeing long-lasting results. With her signature sass and wit, Emily delivers the kind of advice you won't find anywhere else.

So, grab your popcorn, sit back, and get ready to witness the ultimate curling extravaganza.

Watch the Emily’s and Britanny’s consultation here.

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