Get The Look

Victoria's Short Straight Hair

Victoria grew up in Orlando, Florida with her mom and dad as her inspiration. When she isn’t working out or hanging out with friends, she studies International Studies at the University of Florida where she wears her Curling Headband all day, including errands! She enjoys athletics across swimming, running, dancing, and extends her skills to the arts with painting. Her inspiration is Michelle Obama and her dream job is working for the CIA!

Instagram: @victoria_durand_




"Saves time and looks fabulous."

Tips & Tricks

Here are some tips that are just for Short Straight Hair.

  • To help hold the curl better, you can add a squirt of mousse with water into the Mr.Spritzer bottle before dampening your hair
  • Dampen hair until it is 70% dry/30% wet to add more grip
  • Use bobby pins as needed to keep the headband in place
  • Position the headband to angle towards the back of the head for hair sections to be wrapped around sooner and stay in place
  • Reposition the scrunchies as needed to get the ends of the hair tied in
  • When your hair is dry, finger curl as needed to reposition the curls and fluff to add shape


Learn with Emily

The Inventor & Founder of RobeCurls shows us how it's done.