RobeCurls Is Now A member of 1% Of The Planet

Posted by Manvi Golcha on

NEW YORK, NY – November 16, 2021 - RobeCurls is partnering with 1% For The Planet to support eco-friendly practices and give back to the planet and communities the company is a part of. 1% For The Planet is a global network of businesses, individuals, and organizations that are taking the world’s most pressing global issues and facing it head on to positively influence the environments that affect people’s lives. As a part of partnering with 1% For The Planet, RobeCurls donated towards the Surfrider Foundation, The Billion Oyster Project, and MAKE Projects. Learn more about the partnership here.

About RobeCurls
Emikeni is on a mission to empower optimism through originality with creative avenues for women-led entrepreneurship and meaningful inventions that evolve industries to enhance daily life for individuals and the communities they love.

Press Contact
Manvi Golcha

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