RobeCurls Customer Wears The Curling Headband While In Labor

Posted by Manvi Golcha on

NEW YORK, NY – July 21, 2022 - Woman wears her RobeCurls Curling Headband while in labor. Customer Laura S. thought of only one solution to fix her hair while in labor, and it has elevated her daily life since. Laura S. left a review saying, “Thank you, RobeCurls!! I have found this curling band to be the most reliable, most comfortable to sleep in, and makes an amazingly adorable hair style while your hair dries/sets. I even wore it while I was in labor! I felt gorgeous and sweaty but well kept. The hair scrunchies are soft, light material, and versatile! Thank you again, Genius Humans!” In response, RobeCurls sent a gift package to celebrate Laura and her new baby.

About RobeCurls
Emikeni is on a mission to empower optimism through originality with creative avenues for women-led entrepreneurship and meaningful inventions that evolve industries to enhance daily life for individuals and the communities they love.

Press Contact
Manvi Golcha

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